Pirwa Colonial Hostel
Pirwa Colonial Hostel rooms
Reasons to choose Pirwa Colonial Hostel
Low rates
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Free Services
Breakfast • Wi-Fi in Common Areas • Hot water 24/7
Great location
2 blocks from the main square of Cusco
Close to restaurants • Close to a souvenir shop • Close to a supermarket or traditional market
We have deals waiting for you. Don't miss out!
Payment types
Visa • Cash • MasterCard
Secure Booking
Your information is protected by secure connections.
About Pirwa Colonial Hostel
Reception phone number
If you want to call reception of Pirwa Colonial Hostel, please dial this number:
Hostel Services
- Breakfast
- Wi-Fi in Common Areas
- Hot water 24/7
- Luggage Storage
- Computers with internet connection for guest use
- 24 hour reception
- Multilingual staff
- Self-serve coca tea
- Room Housekeeping
- Security lockers
- Lockbox in reception
- Travel assistance
- Airport pickup (de pago)
- Laundry service (de pago)
- Medical service available (de pago)
Pick-up & Transfers
- Airport Pickup
- S/. 30.00 per vehicle, max. 3 people per vehicle
- Travel Agency
- In-house Bar
- Smoking Area
- Fast-Food Stand
- TV/Movie Lounge
- Kitchen for Guest Use
Near the hostel
- Close to restaurants
- Close to a souvenir shop
- Close to a supermarket or traditional market
- Located in a plaza
- Close to a city attraction
Desde las 11:00
Hasta las 10:00
- USD - US Dollar
- PEN - Nuevos Soles
Policies of Pirwa Colonial Hostel
Frequently Asked Questions
These are some of the attractions close to Pirwa Colonial, although there are many more interesting places, just...
+ moreFrom the airport
Pirwa Colonial is located in the historic center of Cusco in San Francisco Square 2 blocks...
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